A rather steamy turn...

Even though the Tulstin Troubadours have played Renaissance and Medieval music together for many years, we both confess a love for all things steampunk. Therefore, we occasionally slip on our secret disguises and our alter-egos and become Taste Of Absinthe! In addition to our regular harp, bowed psaltery, flute, whistle, guitar, sacbut, and bodhran, we've added the accordion, Pianonomicon, the Mouth Calliope. We're constantly indulging our mad scientist sides to see what strange instruments we can come up with next!
What is steampunk, you ask? Here's one answer, and here's another.

Tulsa, OK // 5.9.14 // Gypsy Invasion!
We performed at this Steampunk event at Gypsy Coffee House.
Troup, TX // 4.12.14 // Wild, Wild Western European Steampunk Fest
We performed at this Steampunk event at the Four Winds Faire.
Tulsa, OK // Fri 5.25.12 // Gypsy Coffee House
Tulsa, OK // Fri 5.4.12 // Gypsy Coffee House
Tulsa, OK // Fri 4.27.12 // Gypsy Coffee House
We made our Tulsa debut at this wonderful downtown coffee shop.
San Antonio, TX // 3.8.12 // Alamo Drafthouse
We performed with Cedric the Fiddler at this event by the San Antonio Neo-Victorian Association.
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